Monday, August 16, 2010
My Frozen Food....Rissole
Friday, March 27, 2009
SiDiR HaDRaMi....+He WorLd HoNeY!!!!!
What do I find amazing about the honey in
Hadramout is known for its Sidr honey. Sidr honey is likened to the best honey you will find in the world. I have read, Sidr honey is harvested twice a year from the high mountains in Hadramout. There are Sidr trees that grown wild on Hadrami mountain tops providing bees with pollen and nectar that the bees use to produce honey.
"The Sidr Honey Difference
Twice a year in summer and winter, the bee-keepers living around the
The Sidr trees grow wild in the desert areas of
Traditional bee-keeping and harvesting methods are a proud heritage of
Of course, the honey is not cheap but you can buy as much as your money can afford. There are other honeys available here in
There are honeys that are used for consumption and there are honeys that are used for its medicinal properties. I love, love, love the honey that is available here in the soak. I will not buy the hone that is packaged and readily available at the supermarket because in my opinion it is inferior in quality. The honey that I use to cook with is a thick, viscous, sticky bit of happiness. It is very thick. You can, in fact, chew it, although it does pour out of the container with a little coaxing.
Then there is the honey for medicinal purposes. Now, I will tell you what most probably won't, when you come here you will more than likely get parasites. Before you go having negative thoughts, let me repeat that and say, "You will get parasites. You know the same parasites that are present in the States that people are not very aware of. The same parasites that you have to be aware of when handling raw meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables." Ok, yeah those parasites.
Ok, I wanted to make that point as I did not want to frighten or deter anyone from coming here and I also wanted to remind people that parasites are present in every country. I will post on that on another post, insyaALLAH.
But, anyways, they have honey that will help to combat parasites and bacteria. You can also make your own honey concoction from using Number 1 or Number 2 honeys and mixing black seed, garlic and cloves in it. Number 1 and Number 2 honeys are exactly for this bacteria and parasites. Number 2 honey is number 2 because it is not as superior as number 1 but it will still get the job done. I am sure there are other uses for it but whenever you have any stomach issues they always recommend these honeys.
There are honeys to use to clean the colon (or the tract), honey for stomach issues, honey for intimate issues, and for other organs as well. There are a few honey shops here in Shihr and in Mukallah but Sana'a has a lot.
This honey is for stomach issues
This honey is for parasites. You mix one teaspoon with water and drink on an empty stomach. What is in the honey? I don't know but it seems as though it is black seed, cloves and some other type of herbal goodies.
This is the same honey from above but just shows the packaging.
This honey is for the colon. The commercially packaged honeys that I have seen both here and up north carry the Syifaa’ label.
This is adding honey. I use this for cooking. It is so, so, so good. It is sold by weight. When full, this is a kilo (you can see I had some happy times). You have to squeeze the sides of the jug in order for it to come out because it is so thick.
This is a pic showing the honey after I tipped the jug so you can see how thick it is.
This is Sidr without the fancy labeling. It is also sold by the weight and is very expensive but good to keep on hand when you need it. I wouldn't recommend cooking with it (in large quantities) as a sister shared with me she did and had adverse reactions. It didnt' kill her or make her sick but she had a reaction to it.
This and the bottom Sidr are the same. This is how the Sidr looks. It is thinner than the "addy" honey and its taste is more delicate.
This is the fancy labeling.
Monday, March 23, 2009
LoNg +iMe No SeE.... ^_^
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Kau ampunilah dosa ku yang telah kuperbuat
Kau limpahkanlah aku dengan kesabaran yang tiada terbatas
Kau berikanlah aku kekuatan mental
Kau kurniakanlah aku dengan sifat keredhan
Kau peliharalah lidahku dari kata-kata nista
Kau kuatkanlah semangatku menempuhi segala cabaran Mu
Kau berikanlah aku sifat kasih sesama insan
Ya Allah…
Sekiranya suamiku ini adalah pilihan Mu di Arash
Berilah aku kekuatan dan keyakinan untuk terus bersamanya
Sekiranya suamiku ini adalah suami yang akan membimbing tanganku dititianMu
Kurniakanlah aku sifat kasih dan redha atas segala perbuatannya
Sekiranya suami ku ini adalah bidadara untuk ku di Jannah Mu
Limpahkanlah aku dengan sifat tunduk dan tawaduk akan segala perintahnya
Sekiranya suami ku ini adalah yang terbaik untukku di Dunia Mu
Peliharalah tingkah laku serta kata-kataku dari menyakiti perasaannya
Sekiranya suami ku ini jodoh yang dirahmati oleh Mu
Berilah aku kesabaran untuk menghadapi segala kerenah dan ragamnya
Tetapi ya Allah…
Sekiranya suami ku ini ditakdirkan bukan untuk diriku seorang
Kau tunjukkanlah aku jalan yang terbaik untuk aku harungi segala dugaanMu
Sekiranya suami ku tergoda dengan keindahan dunia Mu
Limpahkanlah aku kesabaran untuk terus membimbingnya
Sekiranya suamiku tunduk terhadap nafsu yang melalaikan
Kurniakanlah aku kekuatan Mu untuk aku memperbetulkan keadaanya
Sekiranya suamiku menyintai kesesatan
Kau pandulah aku untuk menarik dirinya keluar dari terus terlena
Ya Allah…
Kau yang Maha Mengetahui apa yangterbaik untukku
Kau juga yang Maha Mengampuni segala kesilapan dan keterlanjuranku
Sekiranya aku tersilap berbuat keputusan
Bimbinglah aku ke jalan yang Engkau redhai
Sekiranya aku lalai dalam tanggungjawabku sebagai isteri
Kau hukumlah aku didunia tetapi bukan diakhirat Mu
Sekiranya aku engkar dan derhaka
Berikanlah aku petunjuk kearah rahmatMu
Ya Allah…
Sesungguhnya aku lemah tanpa petunjukMu
Aku buta tanpa bimbingan Mu
Aku cacat tanpa hidayah Mu
Aku hina tanpa Rahmat Mu
Ya Allah…
Kuatkan hati dan semangatku
Tabahkan aku menghadapi segala cubaanMu
Jadikanlah aku isteri yang disenangi suami
Bukakanlah hatiku untuk menghayatia gama Mu
Bimbinglah aku menjadi isteri Solehah
Hanya pada Mu, Ya Allah…
Ku pohon segala harapan
Kerana aku pasrah dengan dugaan Mu
Kerana aku sedar hinanya aku
Kerana aku insan lemah yang kerap keliru
Kerana aku leka dengan keindahan duniaMu
Kerana kurang kesabaran ku menghadapi cabaran Mu
Kerana pendek akal ku mengharungi ujian Mu
Ya Allah Tuhanku…….
Aku hanya ingin menjadi isteri yang dirahmati
Isteri yang dikasihi
Isteri yang solehah
Isteri yang sentiasa dihati
Amin, Ya Rabbi Allamin…….
Monday, October 23, 2006
Ramadhan sudah smpai penghujungnya. Syawal pula menjelma..hilangnya ramadhan sukar diganti, kerana tidak pernah dijanjikan utk bertemu pd Ramadhan yg akan datang..Syawal yg tiba adalah tanda kemenangan kita semua jika kita sedaya upaya menjadikan Ramadhan sebagai bln Tarbiyyah ke arah Mukmin yg sebenarnya..insyaALLAH, moga amalan pd bulan Ramadhan ini akan terus berkekalan & istiqomah pd bulan2 seterusnya hingga titik akhir kehidupan kita…insyaALLAH..
Buat sahabat2 ana…di sini ana mengambil kesempatan utk mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI & MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. Ana hnyalah manusia biasa yg punya kelemahan & kekurangan diri..namun kita masih diberi peluang utk memperbaiki diri mjadi lebih baik..